I made this map for the daily challenge in a forum. I'll key it at some point later this week. Now with key.
Bryn Celli Ddu, Wales |
A - Vestibule:
Stone stairs lead into this moist and unadorned room. There are four small heaps of what smells like rotting compost, on each heap are growing 1d3
Dungeon Shrooms. There are traces of some animal nibbling at the shrooms. The south door unlocked and slightly open.
B - Bear Lair:
Bear has occupied this warm and moist room. The bear is sound asleep after a filling meal of deer and hallucinogenic mushrooms. A deer carcass lies nearby. The door to the south is stuck.
C - Antechamber:
This room is dry and unadorned. The doors to the east and west are unlocked.
D - Spider Lair:
Old, dusty cobwebs cover this room's walls. In the middle of the rook lies a Dagger and half a dozen electrum coins. A
Giant Crab Spider lurks just above, ready to strike.
E - Offerings Room:
This small treasure room was partially looted at some point in the past: smashed amphorae and 4d10 electrum coins are shattered on the ground. One beautifully decorated vase (worth 30 gp) is still intact and is used as a nest by
4 Fire Beetles.
F - Eye Room:
Open eyes are painted on the walls of this dry, cool room. At the end of the corridor to the west is a relief decorated with many fake, worthless glass "gems". Right at the beginning of the corridor is a
Pit Trap (save vs Death Ray or fall in for 1d6 damage). On the bottom of the pit are brittle human bones and a handful of electrum coins. The door to the south is stuck, while to the east carved stairs lead 40ft downwards.
Syrian Tribute Bearers, Persepolis, Iran
G - Procession Chamber:
This large, dry room is beautifully decorated with a painted relief depicting a procession bringing gifts to a king. The procession "starts" from the door and goes along the walls, with the king sitting on the throne on the wall opposite to the door, flanked by two honor guards.
4 Skeletons, one in each corner, will attack anyone who enters the room, but will not pursue intruders out of the room, returning instead to their corners. Should anyone linger for too long in front of the picture of the king, knock on the walls, damage or otherwise disrespect the effigy, 2 zombies will burst out off the corners of the south wall and attack. The skeletons wear copper circlets (worth 5 cp each) on their skulls, the zombies wear silver ones (20 sp each). The lifeless body of the king is buried right behind his depiction. He wears a golden crown on his head (200 gp), a golden signet ring decorated with an eye (50 gp), a silver necklace (50 gp) and holds a scroll case containing a spell book (Charm Person, Magic Mouth and ESP).
H - Excavated Passage:
This moist, cold tunnel has a low cieling, with moisture dropping down from it into shallow puddles on the ground. The door to I is stuck, The door to J is unlocked, the door to K is locked.
I - Minor Tomb:
Long dead bodies are crumbling to dust in simple alcoves cut into the walls. A small, empty offering altar lies opposite to the door.
J - Looted Tomb:
Open, looted sarcophagi line the walls. The offering vases on the altar lie broken on the floor. There is a hidden (2 in 6 chance to find it if searching) compartment under the altar which requires a successful Open Lock roll. Failure, or forcing the compartment open, triggers
two Blade Traps (AB +1, 1d8 damage each). A pair of Gauntlets of Ogre Power is inside.
K - Orc Camp:
A group of orc pilgrims is resting here for a few days while traveling towards a sacred orc temple.
9 Orcs, led by
an Orc Warrior, and four orc cubs are found here. They are aware of the Bandits in M and that something is at the bottom of the lake in L, but nothing more. They are waiting for a good moment to sneak out thru the tunnel to the east and continue their pilgrimage. Their offerings consist of 17 gp, a carved wood orc idol worth 25 cp, and a skillfully decorated bronze +1 Handaxe.
L - Cave:
This large cave is moist and cool. A dozen patches of
Dungeon Shrooms grow here. Water constantly drips from above, and collects in a pool at the center of the cave. At the bottom of the pool lies a +2 Shield, and under it lurks a
Sea Snake. South of the pool sits a
Shrieker amid a group of Shrooms. Northeast is a tunnel leading outside into the forest.
M - Bandits Hideout:
A group of 8
Bandits have been using this dry room to store their stolen goods. Their loot consists of 30 gp of pelts, a dozen wineskins, a fire bowl worth 40 gp, 11 cp and 8 sp in coins, as well as 140 gp in various gems, jewels and trinkets.
A bandit is always on the lookout at the intersection between the cave, the hideout and the tunnel leading out, but the guard is bored and tipsy, being surprised 4 in 6 times.
Random encounter table:
1. 1d6 Orcs
2. 1d4+1 Fire Beetles
3. 1d4 Giant Centipedes
4. 1 Giant Crab Spider
5. 1d4 Bandits
6. 2d6 Goblins