Two simple classes inspired by a bunch of old movies I saw recently.
Morlocks are cruel underground creatures who dwell in absolute darkness and have an inborn proficiency with machinery.
They are short, pale and hunched, covered in patches of shaggy white fur, and their eyes glow faintly in the dark.
HD: d6
To-hit: as Thief
Saves: as Dwarf
EXP: as Fighter
Prime Requisite: Constitution
Restrictions: Weapons as Dwarf, can't use heavy armor, max 13 Charisma.
Morlocks see in absolute darkness as if it was daylight and posses Uncanny Engineering skills, but suffer from Heliophobia.
Engineering: a Morlock is able to deduce the purpose and functioning of
mechanical objects 2-in-6 times, repair and use machines of which they
knows the workings, and use war machines. At 3rd level, a morlock can
use Wands, Staves and Rods as a Magic-User, and at 9th level a Morlock
can build an engine to cast Charm Person on up to 30 individuals within a
mile once every two months.
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Virgil Finlay |
Heliophobia: a Morlock is effectively
blinded as long as exposed to light brighter than a candle, suffering -4
to hit and -2 to all saves, and being unable to use their Uncanny
Engineering abilities.
At level 9 a Morlock becomes an Ubermorlock
and may found their own underground empire in a cavern system below ruins
of some long forgotten civilization, and will attract other Morlocks,
Carnivorous Apes, and other malevolent underground dwellers.
Eloi are small humanoids with stunted emotions and latent psychic powers who live in primitive hunter-gatherer communities.
They are slender and attractive, but appear absent-minded and are easily distracted.
HD: d6
To-hit: as Thief
Saves: as Elf
EXP: as Fighter
Prime Requisite: Dexterity
Restrictions: Weapons as Halfling, can't use medium and heavy armor, max 13 Wisdom.
Eloi have Genetic Memory and are Latent Psychic, but suffer from Nyctophobia.
Memory: an Eloi can understand the general meaning of any written text
2-in-6 times, and will recognize and understand spoken words after
having read them.
Latent Psychic: an Eloi can sense basic emotions
(like anger, happiness, fear) of nearby creatures. At 3rd level, an Eloi
can cast ESP once daily as a Magic-User of same level.
an Eloi exposed to light less than that of a torch panics as if affected
by a Fear spell, and is unable to use their Genetic Memory or Latent
Psychic abilities.
At level 9 an Eloi becomes a Luman and may
establish their own tribe among the ruins of some long forgotten
civilization, and will attract other Eloi, Time Travelers, and others
who flee civilized society.